Monday, August 01, 2005

Sketch: Twisted Perspectives

[Posting the sketch title so i can post the body later... I might get in trouble for untaping a socket-- they're being anal about current since they're running lights etc.-- bs: i'm not plugging in a hair dryer! My battery is recovering...]
  • Twisted City: Animation from stills projecting onto blocks, flying around between POV's. Inspiration: forced perspective, "hanging miniatures" (?). Proposal to write MEL script to automatically detect edges, create blocks, intersect blocks, and transition between photos. Neat piece, nothing groundbreaking.
  • Multiperspective Collages: NYT snap of text over image-- most images we consume contain multiple explicit and implicit perspectives. Early paintings lacking "correct" perspective, but effective representation. Renaissance-- use of single camera perspective. Cubism: deliberate multiperspective as a theme. Hockney example. Children and perspective: Toku's 40 classifications of children's drawings-- multiperspective is #20. "Capitalism Likes Multiples"-- interesting theory: contemporary information objects encode mutiple perspectives.

    Showing recent works: projecting onto planar geo. Freight elevator installation. Software for creating collages: "Perspect": nice Java/OpenGL. Proposed nonconventional rendering (ncr), as opposed to standard non-photorealistic rendering (npr).

  • "ZECTO" Cinematography for Depth-Based Live-Action Imaging: From Russian for "space": "mecto" but with a Z since it's 3D. Uses "Axi-Vision" camera which captures color and depth concurrently, developed by NHK for depth keying, but used in Zecto to manipulate depth of subject. Color and depth are merged in Shake and manipulated with a custom plugin. Examples amplified noise in the range image, but had interesting effects.

[Missed last part-- need to get some food... GWL keynote coming up]


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